I’ve borrowed millions of pounds of private investor capital and hold millions in bank debt, predominantly for UK property investments.
Over the last decade, I’ve bought, sold, and rented tens of millions of pounds of property.
I speak to people daily who say they’d love to do what I do.
And yet, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
Not because my life is ‘hard’ or ‘difficult’- I’d feel embarrassed to say that because it’s easy compared to many people's. Today, hundreds of millions worldwide have no idea where their next meal comes from. I’m blessed not to have that concern bearing over me.
Looking back through history, we’ve never had it this good. We live better than kings and queens only a hundred years ago.
That’s perspective, and it should never be lost.
"The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble. They can never be solved but only outgrown." - Carl Jung
But here I’m talking about the world of Western capitalism. The debt-fuelled Ponzi that we call the economy.
To participate here is a choice. The stress of willful engagement is not for the faint-hearted - it’s a consequence of participation.
I know there will be a few hippy types reading this who think, 'It doesn’t have to be hard. Get in alignment, and everything will fall into place.’
They’re right in a sense. But mostly, they’re as wrong as possible.
Alignment in this context doesn’t mean untroubled. It means seeing the world in a way that actively encourages the trials and tribulations necessary to benefit one’s Soul and the world.
We have no idea what these trials will look like because they’re stored away in the mystery box of time. But when they arrive, we must dig into the unconscious and lighten the darkness.
This is the deal—the biggest benefit of being an entrepreneur is developing the Spirit. It’s about breaking down the barriers that society, parents, and our immature selves impose on us. It’s about action and purposeful interaction with life.
It’s about asking God to give you the challenges, inevitably bringing hardship, to become a more wholesome human while praying for the courage to walk an unknown path.
Advancement is never easy. It’s the ‘misalignment’ (alignment in drag) that creates the magic for the development to occur. Psychologically, it is said that you cannot separate the wound and the gift. Your capacity to be with the intensity of the suffering is what holds the potential for expansion.
Entrepreneurship, at all scales, gives you a vehicle that can integrate sincere personal development with worldly endeavour. Find an entrepreneur who hasn’t learned a remarkable amount about themselves since starting the walk. It’ll be impossible.
“Midlife is the time to listen deeply to the soul’s longing, to honor the inner journey that leads us toward greater wisdom and self-awareness.” - Robert A. Johnson
Here is another thing. Perhaps you can relate in your own way.
I know the banking system is purposefully devilish. It’s anti-goodness and drains the people's energy (inflation). A deeper look into this is beyond this post, perhaps another time.
And yet, I use it every day to meet my ends. I guess here, the end does justify the means.
I borrow from the banks at a rate that would scare most people to death. I’m adding to this devilry; I can’t hide from the fact.
It’s an hourly battle.
Do you think I find any meaning in flipping a few properties and making a few quid? I like doing deals and making money, and I love that juicy dopamine spike. But meaning? No, let’s not BS one another.
So, how do I come to terms with playing games with the devil?
I don’t.
It can’t be resolved. Every day, I wake up, and it pains me. Here is the ‘misalignment’ for you.
It’s impossible to study things like Susan Cook Greuter’s Ego Development Model, Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory, and Don Beck’s Spiral Dynamics and continue operating as you were before. You see the world with different eyes and a previously lacking context.
You can only do something that is someone else’s (and society's) path before your Soul starts screaming. This becomes increasingly apparent in midlife. See it for yourself with the average middle-aged Westerner; their spirit is wilted and gasping for breath.
I’m there now. I pray daily for guidance and the courage to walk into something I can’t see.
It’s all on you; go where the footprints don’t exist.
Excellent Young Alex - you are still the captain and Centre Back of the Youth Team - Love it
This couldn’t have come at a better time. Thank you!