“Running away from fear is fear, fighting pain is pain, trying to be brave is being scared. If the mind is in pain, the mind is pain. The thinker has no other form than his thought. There is no escape.” - Alan Watts
Fear is not your problem. Fear has never stopped you from doing anything. In fact, fear has got you where you are today.
You're addicted to it. You refuse to escape it and wouldn't even if you were offered it.
It's driven you to succeed in your endeavours. It's pushed you towards reading things such as this, which hold no value to the self.
Fear has been the driving force behind every thought you've ever had. And you're ignorant of your addiction.
This fear is Nature's drive for self-sustenance - The Unity.
The paradox here is that what you fear is what you crave.
Permanence is illusory, yet man's drive for this idea is the root of his addiction. Nature's little sidekick, fear, is the architect's tool of choice.
Many out there think it's some grand conspiracy by elites to keep people in perpetual fear. Besides being a subtle state of victimhood (born of fear, of course), a closer look reveals that as long as one wishes to maintain a life separate from the totality of existence, fear maintains the illusion. The grand conspiracy has nothing to do with 'elites', and everything to do with the illusion of 'you'.
And this is why 'enlightenment' is not about 'peace and love'; it's about what is true and what isn't.
The self doesn’t want to see these words. Why would it? There is nothing here to cling onto. There is nothing here of any value to ones life. This is about completion; it’s about the end of the search. The fear driven search.
You’re an idea; that’s all you are. You’re a thought born out of Nature's survival drive.
The idea that you’re separate from Nature/Universe seems to be a mechanical error. Humans seem to have a ‘split’ arise as one becomes conscious of the world, which creates a sense of ‘me’.
This ‘split’ and it’s corresponding ‘identity’ as a separate self is the causeless cause of all ‘suffering’ (there is no suffering per se).
Still, mistakes aren’t a thing.
An unanswerable mystery.
Anything that comes from thought is destructive in one way or another. That’s not an ‘anti-human’ thing, it’s just downright provable.
Thought is dead. By the time a thought arises and falls back into nothing, the moment is gone. The mind cannot catch the movement of life.
To no avail, man tries to capture the flow of Aliveness with thought. Aliveness cannot be caught with dead objects.
And that is what you are. You’re a thought. You’re an idea with an addiction.
The reality - you don’t want to fear to end. Because the end of fear, would mean the end of you.